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Magnesium Malate 1350 mg 200 Veggie Capsules (Vegan, Non-GMO & Gluten-Free) High Potency نوزابيور ماغنسيوم ماليات 1350 مجم ,200 كبسولة نباتية
Rated 0 out of 5226 ر.سOriginal price was: 226 ر.س.179 ر.سCurrent price is: 179 ر.س. Add to cart- دعم الصحة العامة
- توفر تركيبتنا 1350 ملغ من ملت المغنيسيوم لكل وجبة. هذه الوجبة هي 3 أغطية خضروات في اليوم. نباتي، غير معدلة وراثيًا وخالية من الغلوتين.
- مكمل ملالات المغنيسيوم المتطور والممتاز باستخدام مصدر عالي الجودة وابتكار
- صُنع في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في منشأة مسجلة وفقًا لمعايير التصنيع الجيدة وبأعلى المعايير.
- تركيباتنا مصنوعة من مكونات عالية الجودة ونظيفة وغير معدلة وراثيًا وتؤمن برفاهية العملاء.
- General Wellness Support *
- Our formulation delivers 1,350 mg of Magnesium Malate per serving. Serving is 3 Veggie caps per day. Vegan/Vegetarian, Non-GMO and Gluten-Free.
- Advanced and superior Magnesium Malate Supplement using high-quality sourcing and innovation
- Manufactured in the USA in a cGMP registered facility with the highest standards.
- Our formulations are crafted with high quality, clean and non-GMO ingredients and care for the customers’ wellness.
October 31, 2025Only 2 left in stock
natural elements Milk Thistle, Artichoke & Dandelion Complex – 120 Capsules – High Dose with 80% Silymarin حليب الشوك ( جرعة عالية من 80%سيليمارين) والخرشوف والهندباء المركب ، 120 كبسولة
Rated 0 out of 5230 ر.سOriginal price was: 230 ر.س.200 ر.سCurrent price is: 200 ر.س. Read more- خليط يحتوى على 500 مجم من حليب الشوك و 400 مجم من الخرشوف و 100 مجم من الهندباء للجرعة اليومية
- نباتى 100% و مستخلص من مواد خام نباتية، نقية، عالية الجودة
- خليط مثالى لتحسين وظائف الكبد( المادة الفعالة 80% سيليمارين لها خواص مضادة للأكسدة )
- لازالة وتطهير الجسم من السموم وخاصة سموم الكبد
- يساعد فى السيطرة على مرض السكرى
- لتحسين صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية
- بدون إضافات غير مرغوب فيها و خالى من مسببات الحساسية
- علبة إقتصادية تكفى شهران
- Outstanding value for money. 120 capsules with highly dosed 500mg of Marian Thistle Extract (80% Silymarin), 400mg artichoke extract (min. 2.5% cynarin) and 100mg dandelion root extract per daily dose (2 capsules). Gently extracted quality raw materials with guaranteed active ingredient containers in the complex.
- Vegan and without undesirable additives: It is free from magnesium stearate, release agents, flavours, dyes, stabilisers, fillers, gelatin and of course GMO-free, lactose-free, gluten free and without preservatives.
- 100% vegan. Our high-quality extracts are made from pure vegetable raw materials. By using a pure vegetable capsule shell made of cellulose (plant fibres), our product is 100% vegan.
- Independent laboratory tested: Laboratory tested for heavy metals, mould, E. coli, salmonella and more. The examination was carried out by an independent German laboratory certified according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. (The analysis certificate can be found in the product images)
- Made in Germany. Our dietary supplements are manufactured directly in Germany in strictly tested and certified plants. – –
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natural elements Organic Spirulina & Chlorella, 500 Tablets, Certified Organic اسبيريولينا و كلوريلا العضوى ، 500 حباية
Rated 0 out of 5300 ر.سOriginal price was: 300 ر.س.250 ر.سCurrent price is: 250 ر.س. Read more- اسبريولينا والكلوريلا العضوية أنواع من الطحالب وهي غنية بالفيتامينات والعناصر المعدنية المتعددة الذي يجعلها غذاء خارق لصحة الإنسان
- طحالب نباتية عضوية نقية% 100وخالية من اى إضافات
- اسبريولينا و الكلوريلا من مضادات الأكسدة و من مضادات الإلتهابات
- الإسبريولينا والكلوريلا لتحسين صحة الجهاز المناعي
- لتحسين صحة الجلد والشعر والاظافر ومحارب للشيخوخة وتجاعيد
- للسيطرة على سكر الدم وخفض مستوى الكولسترول الضار
- لتحسين وظائف العضلات وتنظيم ضغط الدم
- آمن وفعال ولا يوجد آثار جانبية مهمة
- 500 tablets with organic chlorella vulgaris and organic spirulina platensis in a ratio of 1:1 (100% pure algae without additives). Organic quality from controlled organic cultivation (DE-ÖKO-006). 400 mg (organic spirulina + organic chlorella) per pellet.
- Made in Germany in strictly tested and certified facilities.
- No additives: 100% pure algae and therefore completely free from all additives and, of course, also GMO free, lactose free, gluten free.
- 100% Vegan: Our pellets contain only high-quality organic chlorella powder and organic spirulina powder. Our organic spirulina algae and organic chlorella algae tablets are therefore 100% vegan.
- Independently laboratory tested: Our organic Spirulina and Chlorella are tested for purity, safety and quality in an independent German laboratory certified according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.
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natural elements Vitamin D3 + K2 Depot – 180 Tablets – Premium: 99.7+% All Trans MK7 (K2VITAL® from Kappa) + 5,000 IU Vitamin D3 فيتامين ك2 + د3 عالى التركيز _ 5000 وحدة دولية من فيتامين د3 ، 180 حباية
Rated 0 out of 5240 ر.سOriginal price was: 240 ر.س.200 ر.سCurrent price is: 200 ر.س. Read more- شركة ناتشرال ايليمنتز من أفضل الشركات الالمانية لصناعة المكملات الغذائية وحاصلة على العديد من شهادات الجودة العالمية
- فيتامين د3 يعمل بشكل أفضل مع فيتامين ك 2
- لتحسين صحة العظام والقلب والاوعية الدموية
- يحسن فيتامين د3 صحه الجهاز المناعى
- يحسن إمتصاص وترسيب الكالسيوم على العظام ولذا يقوى العظام والأسنان والمفاصل
- لعلاج هشاشة العظام ومنع تسوس الأسنان و لتحسين وظائف العضلات
- لتحسين المزاج وزيادة إنتاج الطاقة
- لصحة الجلد وإبطاء علامات الشيخوخة والتجاعيد
- خالى من مسببات الحساسية
- علبة إقتصادية تكفى 6 أشهر
- Now with vitamin D3: High dose 5.000 IU (125μg) Vitamin D3 and 100μg Vitamin K2 MK-7 (K2VITAL with at least 99.7% All-Trans content) per 5-day dose (every 5 days one tablet). 180 tablets per can. Caution: According to a market study, very many vitamin K2 preparations do not contain the advertised All-Trans content. We therefore recommend that you pay attention to brand raw materials and All-Trans values confirmed by laboratory tests.
- No undesirable additives such as magnesium stearate, flavours, dyes, stabilisers, gelatine and of course also GMO-free, lactose-free, gluten-free and without preservatives.
- Premium raw materials: As vitamin K2 MK7, we use the high-quality K2VITAL from Kappa. Kappa Bioscience guarantees an all-trans content of at least 99.7% in each batch. The last laboratory test was 100% All-Trans content. Some other preparations contained according to market study up to 70% of non-recyclable CIS content. As vitamin D, we use only highly bioavailable and laboratory-tested vitamin D3.
- Manufactured in Germany in strictly tested and certified facilities with GMP certification (Good Manufacturing Practice), ISO-compliant and, as required by food law, with an HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) certificate. – –
- Independently laboratory tested for the important all-trans content (100% according to current analysis), vitamin K2 content, vitamin D3 content and of course also on heavy metals, mould, E. Coli, salmonella and more. For certificate see product pictures.
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NusaPure Liposomal Vitamin C 2032mg – 200 Veggie Capsules with BioPerine – High Absorption Ascorbic Acid
Rated 0 out of 5260 ر.سOriginal price was: 260 ر.س.200 ر.سCurrent price is: 200 ر.س. Read more- Extra strength*: Each serving delivers 2,032mg of our Liposomal Vitamin C Complex. Serving size is 2 veg capsules per day.. Max Supply (200 Veg Capsules Per Bottle & a 100-Day Supply).
- Highly absorbable* – Our advanced Liposomal Vit C formula is non-GMO and Gluten-Free. Our formulation also contains Bioperine. Vegan/Vegetarian formulation.
- Advanced and superior Liposomal Vitamin C Supplement using high-quality sourcing and innovation
- Manufactured in the USA in a cGMP registered facility with high standards.
- Our formulations are crafted with high quality ingredients and care.
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NusaPure St. John’s Wort 1100 mg -1950 mcg Hypericin-180 Veggie Capsules
Rated 0 out of 5214 ر.سOriginal price was: 214 ر.س.169 ر.سCurrent price is: 169 ر.س. Add to cart- Each serving delivers 1,100mg of St. John’s Wort Extract. Max Supply (180 Capsules Per Bottle & a 90-Day Supply).Vegan/Vegetarian, Non-GMO & Gluten -Free.
- 1,950mcg Hypericin per serving*. Serving size is 2 capsules.
- Advanced and superior St. John’s Wort Supplement using high-quality sourcing and innovation
- Manufactured in the USA in a cGMP registered facility with high standards.
- Our formulations are crafted with high quality ingredients and care.
October 31, 2025Only 2 left in stock
Nutravita L-Tryptophan 500 mg High Dose – 270 Vegan Tablets – Made from Vegetable Fermentation – Premium Quality L Tryptophan – Without Synthetic Binders and Fillers – Made by Nutravita
Rated 0 out of 5250 ر.سOriginal price was: 250 ر.س.200 ر.سCurrent price is: 200 ر.س. Read moreExcellent value for money – our product offers excellent value for money. Each bottle contains 270 vegan, easy to swallow tablets, which is an excellent 9-month supply. Each serving contains 1 tablet that can be taken daily with a full glass of water.
High-quality ingredients – each tablet contains 500 mg L-tryptophan (from fermentation) in high concentration. These tablets are manufactured in Germany in a production facility that complies with strict quality standards. Our tablets are free from any allergens such as wheat, nuts and soy.
No undesirable ingredients – Our high-quality L-tryptophan tablets are made without synthetic binders and fillers. They do not contain artificial flavours, sweeteners or preservatives and all ingredients are GMO free.
Every production batch is tested – Our manufacturer has achieved BRC certification of level AA which is the highest possible level in an announced testing process. This ensures that every batch and every single ingredient tested.
Customer satisfaction is our first priority – the full satisfaction of our customers is always very important to us, as a trusted brand since 2014. If you are dissatisfied with our product or have any questions about our products and service, please feel free to contact us at any time. Our very helpful customer service team will answer your question in no time.
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Nutravita Magnesium Citrate 1480mg Providing 440mg Elemental Magnesium Per Serving – 180 Capsules – UK نيوترافيتا سترات الماغنيسيوم 1480 مجم _ يوفر 440 مجم من عنصر الماغنيسيوم للجرعة ، 180 كبسولة
Rated 0 out of 5240 ر.سOriginal price was: 240 ر.س.200 ر.سCurrent price is: 200 ر.س. Add to cart- شركة نيوترافيتا من أفضل الشركات البريطانية لصناعة المكملات الغذائية وحاصلة على العديد من شهادات الجودة العالمية
- سترات الماغنيسيوم الطبيعية النباتية عالية التركيز 1480مجم سترات الماغنيسيوم يحتوى على 440 مجم من معدن الماغنيسيوم ، عالية الامتصاص
- يلعب الماغنيسيوم دور مهم فى صحة الجهاز المناعى وصحة الجهاز العصبى
- يقوم الماغنيسيوم بزيادة توليد الطاقة من التمثيل الغذائى ويقلل التعب والارهاق ويحسن الحالة المزاجية
- ضرورى لصحة وظائف العضلات والعظام والأسنان والمفاصل
- أكثر من 300 تفاعل داخل الجسم يعتمد على الماغنيسيوم
- خالى من مسببات الحساسية
- علبة إقتصادية تكفى 3 أشهر
- ✓ WHY BUY NUTRAVITA’S MAGNESIUM CITRATE? – Our high potency and excellent absorption formula contains 1480mg Magnesium Citrate per serving providing you with 440mg of needed Elemental Magnesium.
- ✓ WHY TAKE MAGNESIUM? – Magnesium is also called “the mighty mineral” because the cells in our body depends on magnesium in regulating day-to-day metabolic reactions to help in the process of cell division and protein synthesis, to facilitate proper muscle and nerve function, and in maintenance of normal bones and teeth. Claims substantiated by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority).
- ✓ HOW DOES MAGNESIUM HELP ATHLETES, RUNNERS, AND DURING EXERCISE? – The role of magnesium especially during strenuous physical activities of people who trains or works out on a daily basis is essential as minerals including magnesium are lost when we sweat. As substantiated by EFSA, intake of magnesium helps in the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, and in maintenance of electrolyte balance and normal energy-yielding metabolism.
- ✓ WHICH INGREDIENTS ARE USED IN NUTRAVITA? – We have a dedicated team of pharmacologists, chemists & research scientists working to source the finest and most beneficial ingredients allowing us to provide advanced, high strength vitamins & supplements which contain no artificial colours or flavours, GMO-free and free from allergens such as Gluten, Wheat, Lactose, Nuts and Nut Traces.
- ✓ WHAT IS THE STORY BEHIND NUTRAVITA? – Established in the UK in 2014 – we have become a recognised & trusted brand by our customers across the world. Our products are high quality – everything we manufacture is made & certified in the UK safeguarded by the highest manufacturing standards in the world (GMP, BRC).
May 31, 2025Only 1 left in stock
Nutravita Organic Ashwagandha 2100 mg – High Dosage – 240 Vegan Capsules – Highly Effective Certified Organic Ashwagandha Root Powder – Vegan Ashwagandha Compound جذور الأشواجندا العضوية النباتية ، 2100 مجم من الأشواجندا (تركيز عالى) ، 240كبسولة نباتية
Rated 0 out of 5240 ر.سOriginal price was: 240 ر.س.200 ر.سCurrent price is: 200 ر.س. Read more- جذور الأشواجندا العضوية من نيوترافيتا من اعلى البراندات العالمية فى مجال المكملات الغذائية
- تساعد الاشوجندا على زيادة هرمون التستوستيرون ، وزيادة الخصوبة للرجال ، وزيادة الرغبة الجنسية
- تساعد فى زيادة الكتلة العضلية
- تعمل الأشواجندا على تقليل الكوليسترول الضار والدهون الثلاثيه ، كما تعمل على خفض مستوى سكر الدم
- تحسن صحة الجهاز المناعى
- تعمل على تحسين المزاج وزيادة مستويات الطاقة
- عبوة إقتصادية بها 240 كبسولة
Excellent value for your money: Our organic Ashwagandha compound contains 2100 mg Ashwagandha root extract per serving. With a daily intake of 3 capsules per day, the product will last over 2.5 months. Similar to traditional Ayurvedic medicine, we only extract the root due to its adaptogenic properties.
Nutravitas organic ashwagandha: Our highly effective organic ashwagandha capsules are 100% vegan and are harvested and manufactured under organic standards, which means that the raw material contains significantly more essential nutrients than conventional barley grass. The reason for this is that no toxic chemicals such as pesticides are used in the harvesting process. This process also helps to protect the environment, which is a top priority here at Nutravita.
Premium quality ingredients: Our capsules are suitable for vegetarians and vegans and are free from GMOs, gluten, lactose and wheat. They are organic, pure and absolutely free from binders, fillers and additives.
Every production batch is tested: Our manufacturer has achieved a BRC certification of the level AA, which is the highest level possible for announced testing processes. This ensures that every production batch and ingredient is tested so we offer only products of the highest quality to our customers.
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Vitamin D3 & K2 Tablets – 240 Tablets – 150mcg K2 – Premium 99.7+% All Trans MK7 (K2VITAL® by Kappa) + 5,000 IU Vitamin D3 – High Dose – Vegetarian
Rated 0 out of 5240 ر.سOriginal price was: 240 ر.س.180 ر.سCurrent price is: 180 ر.س. Read moreExcellent value for money – Our bottle with vitamin D3 and K2 contains 240 tablets. When taking 1 tablet every 5 days, the product provides you with significantly over one year. The vitamin K2 is present in the form of MK-7 (menachinon-7) and is a fully transactive, bioactive form of vitamin K2. This means it works in the same way as the natural vitamin K in the body, making it the most effective bioavailable form.
Excellent blend – Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining healthy bones and teeth, as it helps with the normal absorption/utilisation of calcium and phosphorus as well as maintaining normal calcium levels in the blood. It also contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system. Vitamin K is needed to maintain normal bones and helps our bones to effectively utilise calcium. (The information is supported by the EFSA)
Premium quality ingredients – Our tablets are suitable for vegetarians and free from GMO, gluten, lactose and wheat. It is organic, pure and completely free from binders, fillers and additives.
Every production batch is tested – Our manufacturer has achieved BRC certification of level AA which is the highest possible level in an announced testing process. This ensures that every batch and every single ingredient tested.
Customer satisfaction is our first priority – the full satisfaction of our customers is always very important to us, as a trusted brand since 2014. If you are dissatisfied with our product or have any questions about our products and service, please feel free to contact us at any time. Our very helpful customer service team will answer your question in no time.
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