September 30, 2025

VigRX Plus – No#1 Male Support Supplement – 60 Tabletsفيجركس بلس لتحسين الصحة الجنسية وزيادة الرغبة الجنسية و علاج ضعف الإنتصاب ، 60 كبسولة

Original price was: 616 ر.س.Current price is: 490 ر.س.

  • مجموعة من الأعشاب الأشهر لتحسين الصحة الجنسية
  • أثبتت التجارب العلمية (من طرف ثالث) أن فيجركس بلس يحقق كل ما يلي:
    • زيادة الرغبة الجنسية بنسبة 47%
    • زيادة القدرة على الانتصاب والحفاظ عللة الانتصاب لفترات أطول بنسبة 63%
    • زيادة القدرة على إتمام العملية الجنسية بنجاح بنسبة 59%
    • زيادة عدد مرات ممارسة العلاقة الحميمية بنسبة 23%
    • زيادة الرضا العام عن العلاقة الجنسية بنفسبة 71%
  • يستطيع زيادة حجم القضيب بشكل ملحوظ
  • مكونات طبيعية بالكامل ثبت أنها آمنه وفعالة لتحسين الصحة الجنسية للرجال


  • VigRX Plus® has been clinically studied and proven to improve erection quality, as well as every other aspect of male sexual health. Check out these results from the clinical study:
    • A 62.82% Increase in the Ability to Maintain Erection
    • A 58.97% Increase in the Ability to Penetrate Partner
    • A 22.49% Increase in the Frequency and Quality of Orgasms
    • A 71.43% Increase in Sexual & Intercourse Satisfaction
    • A 47.00% Increase in Overall Sex Drive And Desire
Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+


VigRX Plus® is the best male enhancement pill on the market today. And for good reason; it’s doctor-approved and clinically proven to:

  • Improve the ability to get and maintain an erection.
  • Boost libido and sexual desire.
  • Improve orgasm control.
  • Enhance the intensity of orgasms.
  • Increase partner satisfaction.
  • Improve overall sexual health.

Just one VigRX Plus® pill, taken twice daily, has the ability to turn you from a dud to a stud in the bedroom. Something both you and your partner deserve.

VigRX Plus® Safety and Side Effects

VigRX Plus® is formulated with all-natural ingredients, without any harsh chemicals, stimulants, or fillers. According to a VigRX Plus® clinical study, it is considered safe for long-term use with no reports of adverse side effects by the participants.

Is VigRX Plus® Right for You?

VigRX Plus® is not for you if you’re looking for a quick fix to your problems. Rather it’s designed to be a long-term solution for improving your sexual wellness. VigRX Plus® is ideal for men who want to boost their libido and feel more like their younger selves (or better) in the bedroom. If you’ve noticed mild to moderate signs of ED – like problems getting or maintaining an erection – VigRX Plus® is definitely worth considering.


VigRX Plus® is packed with all-natural ingredients that are proven to be safe and effective for optimizing a man’s sexual health. Designed for long-term use, VigRX Plus® can help improve libido, increase erection size and fullness, and help give you the stamina you need to perform your best in the bedroom. The VigRX Plus formula includes:



Bioperine acts as a natural turbo-charger for VigRX Plus®. Derived from black pepper, Bioperine enhances our body’s ability to absorb much-needed nutrients. In fact, studies have shown this powerful extract makes the other ingredients found within the VigRX formulation up to 30% more effective.



Damiana leaves and stems have been used in Central and South America for centuries to increase sexual desire. Aside from acting as an aphrodisiac, Damiana is linked to increased sexual satisfaction, better stamina, and enhanced overall erectile function, including more enjoyable climaxes.

Epimedium Leaf

Epimedium Leaf Extract

Often called “Horny Goat Weed”, Epimedium Leaf Extract is used to combat a variety of erectile issues. Icariin, the active ingredient found in this herbal, helps boost nitric oxide levels and thus increasing blood flow to the penis. You can enjoy faster hardness with more sustainable erections.

Asian Red Ginseng

Asian Red Ginseng

Asian Red Ginseng has been long-used to treat impotence. The right dosages of this high-quality ingredient have been clinically shown to improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction (ED). Asian Red Ginseng works to boost blood flow to the brain and penis for increased libido and stamina.

Saw Palmetto Berry

Saw Palmetto Berry

Saw Palmetto Berry is a well-known libido-booster that works by stopping the breakdown of free testosterone in the body. According to a study in the journal JAMA, Saw Palmetto Berry is also beneficial for reducing symptomatic benign prostate hyperplasia. This herbal relaxes smooth muscle tissue for better blood flow and hormone regulation.

Muira Puama

Muira Pauma

Translated to “erection root”, Muira Pauma is aptly named. In one study, this science-backed ingredient was put to the test with 262 men with symptoms of ED. An overwhelming 61% of them reported performing better in the bedroom. Muira Pauma is also considered to be a powerful aphrodisiac for both men and women.

Catuaba Bark Extract

Catuaba Bark Extract

This native South American herbal is an all-natural way to heighten arousal and treat male sexual performance problems. Catuaba Bark can help dilate blood vessels for improved erection quality. It’s also packed with not one but three alkaloids known to promote relaxation.

Hawthorn Berry

Hawthorn Berry

Hawthorn Berry has many benefits to your general health, but you may be surprised to learn just how helpful it is in the bedroom as well. It’s rich in flavonoids that help relax and dilate the arteries for greater blood flow throughout the body. That translates to a rock-hard erection and better overall performance.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba

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